Ivan graduated at Belgrade University, Belgrade, Serbia, on Faculty of Biology, on Department for Molecular Biology and Physiology, module of Experimental Biomedicine in 2014. In his Master thesis he investigated anticancer activity and mechanism of actions of Iridium (III) complexes with various ligands.
From 2015. as Marie Skłodowska-Curie PhD fellow he works on National Institute of Oncology, Budapest, Hungary, at the Department of Experimental Pharmacology, under supervision of József Tóvári, PhD, investigating the effect of small molecule and peptide-drug conjugates for targeted drug delivery on tumor growth and metastasis in vitro and in vivo, in the frame of Innovative and European Training Network “MAGICBULLET”.
In 2017. he was on secondment in Translational Cancer Biology lab on Biomedicum at Helsinki University, Finland, and in 2018. in Molecular Biology lab at the Research Center of Italfarmaco SpA, Milan, Italy.
In 2021. Ivan defended his PhD thesis on Semmelweis University, Budapest, Hungary, at the Doctoral School of Pathological Sciences, on Experimental Oncology program.